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Your Position: Join Wing -> How to: Write source code for wing -> Modules Design Principles

Modules Design Principles

1. Minimize header include and maximize compiling speed.

  • Define one class, or one structure, or one set of functions in one header file.
  • Implement inline functions in a *.inl file with the same name with corresponding *.h file. By doing so, only the file that is interested in those inline functions needs to include that *.inl.
  • The most frequently used inline functions, such as the default constructor of a class, should be placed in *.h file, not *.inl file.
  • Whenever possible, avoid inline functions. Doing so unless there is a great performance penalty that reported by performance analyzer.
  • Create a "Predeclaration.h" for each module. In that header put all pre-declarations of classes, structures and functions of that module, if necessary.
  • Avoid including header files in a header file, whenever possible. If you really need to include another header file in a header file, consider first if you can replace that include with pre-declaration.
  • Avoid declaring templates in a header file, whenever possible. If you really need to expose some template classes/structures/functions, consider put them in separate files to avoid add-on templates when you include one of them.
  • Minimize the connections between classes, whenever possible. Consider hiding details of the class in its implementation; consider common communication components such as a message pool.

2. Wrap classes in proper namespaces.

3. Minimize dependencies between modules.

  • Plugin based
  • Fast compilation
  • Minimize public header count

4. Minimize dependency on other projects.

5. Maintainability

  • Professional development environment and workflow.
  • Perfect development document.
  • Appropriate granularity and responsibility of modules.

6. Roubustness

  • Thorough automated test suites.
  • Priority-ranked defect management.

7. Extensibility

8. Ease of use

  • Simple but flexible UI.
  • Interactive tutorials.
  • Detailed reference document.

9. Performance

  • Thorough performance test and regression track suites.

10. Localizable


If you have any questions, please send a mail to renqilin at
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