Your Position: Join Wing -> How to: Write source code for wing -> Modules Design Principles
Modules Design Principles
1. Minimize header include and maximize compiling speed.
Define one class, or one structure, or one set of functions in one header file.
Implement inline functions in a *.inl file with the same name with corresponding *.h file. By doing so, only the file that is interested in those inline functions needs to include that *.inl.
The most frequently used inline functions, such as the default constructor of a class, should be placed in *.h file, not *.inl file.
Whenever possible, avoid inline functions. Doing so unless there is a great performance penalty that reported by performance analyzer.
Create a "Predeclaration.h" for each module. In that header put all pre-declarations of classes, structures and functions of that module, if necessary.
Avoid including header files in a header file, whenever possible. If you really need to include another header file in a header file, consider first if you can replace that include with pre-declaration.
Avoid declaring templates in a header file, whenever possible. If you really need to expose some template classes/structures/functions, consider put them in separate files to avoid add-on templates when you include one of them.
Minimize the connections between classes, whenever possible. Consider hiding details of the class in its implementation; consider common communication components such as a message pool.
2. Wrap classes in proper namespaces.
3. Minimize dependencies between modules.
Plugin based
Fast compilation
Minimize public header count
4. Minimize dependency on other projects.
5. Maintainability
Professional development environment and workflow.
Perfect development document.
Appropriate granularity and responsibility of modules.
6. Roubustness
Thorough automated test suites.
Priority-ranked defect management.
7. Extensibility
8. Ease of use
Simple but flexible UI.
Interactive tutorials.
Detailed reference document.
9. Performance
Thorough performance test and regression track suites.
10. Localizable