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Your Position: Join Wing -> How to: Write source code for wing -> Coding Standard -> Standard C and C++ Headers

Standard C and C++ Headers

We listed standard C and C++ headers in this page. If you include any other headers in your code, your code may not be compiled under other platforms.

1. Standard C headers

<assert.h> - <cassert>
<ctype.h> - <cctype>
<errno.h> - <cerrno>
<float.h> - <cfloat>
<iso646.h> - <ciso646>
<limits.h> - <climits>
<locale.h> - <clocale>
<math.h> - <cmath>
<setjmp.h> - <csetjmp>
<signal.h> - <csignal>
<stdarg.h> - <cstdarg>
<stddef.h> - <cstddef>
<stdio.h> - <cstdio>
<stdlib.h> - <cstdlib>
<string.h> - <cstring>
<time.h> - <ctime>
<wchar.h> - <cwchar>
<wtype.h> - <cwtype>

2. C++ headers

Types: <cstddef>
Implementation properties: <limits>, <climits>, <cfloat>
Start and termination: <cstdlib>

Type identification: <typeinfo>
Exception handling: <exception>
Other runtime support: 
    <cstdarg>, <csetjmp>, <ctime>, <csignal>, <cstdlib>

Exception classes: <stdexcept>
Assertions: <cassert>
Error numbers: <cerrno>

Utility components: <utility>
Function objects: <functional>
Memory: <memory>
Date and time: <ctime>

Character traits: <string>
String classes: <string>
Null-terminated sequence utilities: 
    <cctype>, <cwctype>, <cstring>, <cwchar>, <cstdlib>

Locales: <locale>
C library locales: <clocale>

Sequences: <deque>, <list>, <queue>, <stack>, <vector>
Associative containers: <map>, <set>
Bitset: <bitset>
Iterators: <iterator>

Non-modifying sequence operations: <algorithm>
C library algorithms: <cstdlib>

Complex numbers: <complex>
Numeric arrays: <valarray>
Generalized numeric operations: <numeric>
C library: <cmath>, <cstdlib>

Forward declarations: <iosfwd>
Standard iostream objects: <iostream>
Iostreams base classes: <ios>
Stream buffers: <streambuf>
Formatting and manipulators: <istream>, <ostream>, <iomanip>
String streams: <sstream>, <cstdlib>
File streams: <fstream>, <cstdio>, <cwchar>


If you have any questions, please send a mail to renqilin at
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